I love to get practical and fun things for easter baskets and Christmas Stockings for my kids. For Easter baskets I try to stick with things that they will use throughout the spring and summer. Here are ten Easter basket ideas that aren't candy.

Here are some ideas based on what I have gotten my kids in the past. You definitely don't need them all!
Use something fun for the basket part.
- One year, I got a tonka dump truck and put all of my sons Easter items in that. It was really cute and practical. 5 years later, he still uses it! You could use sand buckets if your kids have a sand box or if you have a beach trip coming up.
1. Water Lovers
Sprinklers, splash pads, water guns, water tables.
2.Think Spring and Summer.
- I like to add sunglasses and summer hats. You can find cute sunglasses and hats that go on sale at Target by Cat + Jack brand.
3.Swimming Stuff.
- Swimming suits, shoes, and goggles, or pool toys. Character Towels. A fun life vest with characters would be great, too.
4.Summer Clothes
- These could be something with characters that you wouldn't normally buy. Maybe something nicer than you would normally buy for a special occasion.
5.Bubbles and Chalk.
- Bubbles, wands, bubble machines, bubble guns. I almost always include some variation of these. We spend countless hours outside doing bubbles and chasing them. Chalk is a nice busy activity.
6.Art Stuff + Learning Activities
- Coloring books, crayons, pencils, paints, books, stickers, sticker pads, magnets, scratch art,play doh.
7.Kites + Balloons
- For summertime fun. You can usually get them at the Dollar Tree with popular characters on them.
8.Rainy Day Stuff
- Rain Coats, Boots, a fun umbrella.
9.The Outdoor Lovers
- Bug nets, binoculars, fishing poles, frisbee, t-ball set, soccer ball, sand box toys, jump rope.
10.Back to basics
- Character Underwear, socks, pajamas, or toothbrush.
We try not to do much candy. If we do, we aim for it to be candy without so much stuff in it. Yum Earth is a good brand without dyes.
To summarize, get things that your kids will love that you can afford and have fun with it!
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Kristine says
Great ideas! Art stuff and learning activities are great. When my kids were young we chose a small stuffed or bean bag bunny each year.
Zoe says
Good ideas! Ill send this to the grandparents!
Penny says
LOVE your ideas!!!
Catherine says
Such am amazing idea, forwarded it to my daughter, for my grandaughter!
Alisha says
I appreciate that so much, thank you! I hope she finds it helpful.
Samm stafford says
I love how practical this is! The egg chalk is always a hit!
Zoe says
Good ideas i hate getting stuck with a bunch of junk candy froma bunch of family members i will share this with them!
Sadie says
Thank you for these ideas! Love that you have so many ways to fill up a basket without candy!
Lee @ BaldThoughts says
Great ideas. As much as our kids love candy, they get enough sweet treats throughout the month without overloading them with sugar. Thanks for these suggestions.
Rachel says
These are great ideas! Love options other than candy
Jen says
I might have to steal the idea of the Tonka Truck that’s brilliant!
Alisha says
My son was more excited about that than anything else inside! haha
Kris says
Great list of items without candy-love it!
Amber says
Love this list!! I hadn't thought of a kite, how fun!
Alisha says
The kites at dollar tree have popular characters on them. You can't go wrong for $1.25. My son got a Jurassic world one and my daughter got a princess one.